How to protect your eyesight on screens?

How to protect your eyesight on screens?

The eye is a fragile organ that can suffer from multiple conditions. Glaucoma, cataracts, AMD or simply presbyopia, all these pathologies tend to appear with age and require medical care to prevent them from getting worse over time. In all cases, as we age, our eyesight declines or becomes fragile and all these eye diseases mainly linked to old age can cause many symptoms such as: Dry eyes; Itching; Blurred vision or a progressive loss of visual acuity; An alteration of color vision. However, these symptoms are increased tenfold by excessive exposure to UV rays or blue light produced by screens such as computers and other smartphones. This is why it is necessary to limit these risks by protecting our eyeballs as much as possible.

To protect and take care of them you must:

Protect them from the sun by wearing glasses as often as possible, but when the sun is not shining brightly, the lenses must be anti-UV and bear the CE mark to guarantee their compliance with the European standard.

If you need a correction, for your daily life it is recommended to wear category 3 lenses , however if you are going on holiday, to the mountains or to a tropical region, we recommend category 4 lenses.

It's no secret but protect your eyes from screens , limit screen time, detach yourself from your phone, take 20-minute breaks regularly, blue light is harmful to your eyes, to your brain. Indeed, exposure to blue light affects our hormonal balance, which will therefore influence our sleep-wake cycle

The blue light from screens stimulates the receptors in the retina, which sends a daytime signal to the biological clock, which therefore delays the time it takes to fall asleep. It is therefore recommended to wear anti-blue light glasses available without a prescription and to limit your screen time before bedtime by favoring other calmer and/or less stimulating activities such as reading, meditation, etc.

Maintain a correct posture with the screen positioned about 50 to 70 cm from your eyes. If you have to squint to read, the screen is too far away. The screen should also be slightly below eye level. This helps reduce strain on your eye and neck muscles.

Adjust the screen brightness and contrast to match your surroundings. Too much or too little brightness can cause eye strain, while good contrast makes text easier to read and reduces fatigue.

Avoid working in a dark room with a very bright screen. The balance between ambient light and that of the screen is essential. Therefore, prefer diffuse and indirect lighting to avoid reflections on the screen.


In our digital age, we spend more and more time in front of screens: computers, smartphones, tablets and televisions. This prolonged exposure can lead to digital eye strain, also known as computer vision syndrome. To maintain the health of your eyes and avoid serious symptoms of aging in the long term, it is essential to take healthier steps to reduce this strain.

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