How to maintain and care for your books

How to properly maintain and preserve your books

Books are priceless treasures that deserve special attention to preserve their condition and value. Whether you are an avid reader or a collector, taking care of your books is essential to prolong their lifespan and ensure their longevity for generations. In this article, we will give you practical advice on how to properly maintain your books and keep them in perfect condition.

Handling Books

Avoid food

Food and drink stains can irreparably damage the pages and covers. If you want to eat or drink during your reading session, we advise you to be particularly vigilant , take your time and favor dry foods.

Wash your hands

Before handling your books, make sure your hands are clean and dry . Natural oils and skin stains can leave marks and deteriorate the paper over time.

Use Lizia to bookmark the page

Folding the corners of pages or using heavy objects to mark your place can damage books. Invest in our perfectly-suited3-in-1 reading accessory to prevent this damage. Lightweight and compact, it’s the perfect bedside bookmark to ensure the longevity of your book.

Lizia Product

Proper Storage

Vertical storage

Store your books upright on sturdy shelves to avoid warping. Make sure the books are not packed too tightly to make them easier to remove without damaging them.

Avoid direct sunlight

Prolonged exposure to sunlight can cause covers to fade and pages to yellow, as well as paper to become brittle and worn over time and with exposure to sunlight.

Control humidity

Too much humidity can cause mold and warping of pages. Use a dehumidifier if necessary and avoid storing your books in rooms that are too humid.

Cleaning the Books

Regular dusting

Use a soft, dry cloth to remove dust from the spines and covers. A soft-bristled brush may also be helpful for very dusty books.

Task removal

For light stains, use a non-abrasive white eraser . For more stubborn stains, professional cleaning may be necessary.

Adequate transportation

Choose thin books

When traveling, we advise you to only take thin books. Indeed, there is a good chance that you will not always find the time to read during your trip, so even if they stay in the bag or suitcase, you might as well take less bulky books which, by definition, will take up less space and get damaged much less.


Even if they are well stored in your things, it is always better to put them in addition, in suitablebook covers like those offered on our site. There are many different designs on the internet, so it is easy to find what you are looking for. It is a suitable investment if you want to keep your books in good condition.

Book protection

Professional restorations

For significant damage, consult a professional book restorer. They have the skills and materials to restore your books to their original condition.

Caring for your books is a task that requires attention and proper practices. By following these tips, you can extend the life of your books and keep them in excellent condition for years to come.

Remember that every book has a story and deserves to be treated with respect and care. Take the time to preserve them so that future generations can also enjoy these literary treasures.

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1 comment

  • J’ai également apprécié les astuces concernant le nettoyage des pages et des couvertures, notamment l’utilisation de chiffon doux pour ne pas abîmer les surfaces. Cependant, je me demande comment gérer les livres très anciens ou endommagés : y a-t-il des techniques spécifiques pour restaurer ces trésors sans risquer de les détériorer davantage ? Visit us Telkom University Jakarta

    Khairun Nisa

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